Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Change Life By Avoiding These 5 Horrifyingly Common Mµsical Tune-Ups

Here's a great variation text by Jacob A. Barton.
Change Life By Avoiding These 5 Horrifyingly Common Mµsical Tune-Ups 
(original text by H. Wakabayashi)

Have you ever awoken to find that you had been transformed into a musical instrument overnight?
Donut be alarmed! Oddly enough, this happens to about 100% or possibly 50% of all people and things, which works out to MERE BILLIOINS on a daily basis!
Rest assured: whichever instrument you turn out to be, whatever your temperament, and/or whether you ever find a suitable player for yourself, you are not a tool: you still have access to your full range of misery

BUT! New THIS year, in a nod to TRUE 80s-era pan-Reaganomic hyperpostmetamulticulturalism, Society v2.0.15 permits all musical instruments to choose their own tuning schema. THIS MEANS you ARE FREE WITHIN REAson to MAKE NOTHING BUT LOVE!

If you have a wish to change your (music) self, but find your relationships (harmony) brittle or inflexible, try creating a new tuning schema for yourself. Piece it together from your known unknowns. If you are singing, find or imagine an instrument to use as training wheels, in order to be sure anew.Here is Hidekazu Wakabayashi’s tuning schema remixed by Jacob A. Barton, as an example.

1. C♯(D♭)
When you think you have caught a cold, tune C♯ 50 cents higher instead of taking cold medicines. C♯ is a very important note to start a day smoothly. Tuning it higher can make you feel a little audacious and your body can blow your cold away.

2. D♯(E♭)
Too depressed to go to work? Probably that's not only because of the lack of dopamine. Eat some durian and tune D♯ 50 cents higher and your feeling might get 50 cents higher almost reaching the first major third note E, where you can feel relaxed.
Don't worry, be sharpened.

3. F♯(G♭)
You will be fascinated by tuning F♯ 50 cents higher.  Just feel how this 50 cents sharpened F♯ sounds with the next note G (perfect 5th) at same time, like ethereal mirages overlapping.

4. G♯(A♭)
Go tune G♯ 50 cents higher if you see a ghost in your house. It will be consorted by your sharpened note and give you great inspirations in return.

5. A♯(B♭)
Last, but of course not least. Tuning A♯ approximate 50 cents higher will rush your Adrenaline. Your brain will certainly notice what's happened to between you and your instrument and do appropriate supports! "Ask and it shall be given to you".

So what's gonna happen when all these 5 notes (36 keys in the regular piano) are tuned 50 cents higher?!
Now you are holding an "Iceface tuned instrument" that will ultimately change your music, and eventually you yourself.
Here are some examples on youtube I've made with digital instruments to show how what I call Iceface Tuned Piano sounds with these 50 cents sharpened notes. Check this newly tuned music inspired a woman who I saw in a dream!

Iceface Tuned Piano by H. Wakabayashi

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